Cardiff & South Wales 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

24 Hour - Emergency Locksmiths Cardiff

24 Hour Emergency Locksmiths Cardiff

Emergency Cardiff Locksmith

James Emergency Locksmith Cardiff VanHere at James Cardiff Locksmith, we deal with all kinds of Emergency Locksmith tasks which we take very seriously. we understand the importance of you needing an emergency locksmith in and instance.  As we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week we understand the seriousness of you gaining entry to your premises, belongings, or automobile as we can open any locked door and we also deal with homes that have been Burgled with the kindest care. If James or any of our staff are in the belief that, the Home, Business, or Auto Mobile that we are opening is not yours, then we will not unlock the door. Following this Police will be Called upon Immediately via our locksmith who then will give a full statement, which will then be given to the police of exactly what has happened.  

We are indefinite one of the most demanding locksmith companies in Cardiff. This is pure because we provide a large range of services from any general traditional locksmith does plus a large variety more. This includes being an Emergency locksmith service that deals with cars and automobiles. James your emergency Car locksmith will try to work out your emergency car locksmith situation and give you a good estimated time of arrival. With any Emergency Locksmith enquires we will always do our very best to get to you as quickly as possible and resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Like with all inquiries will always prioritize emergency circumstances/jobs over general locksmith work. 


Years of Dedicated Experience. 

Emergency lockouts we have dealt with for many, many years; our experience is always at the highest level.  We can open and have opened most locks on today's doors with they're superior locking systems. Its not just opening doors when needed but giving out Customer Care, Friendliness, and Explanations for faults.  We have been regarded as one of the best locksmiths in Cardiff and always try to keep this high title of James Cardiff Locksmith stand for many more years. Being an Emergency Locksmith is not all about just opening locks to us but far more about Customer Service. 




Child Locked In Car Emergency Car Locksmith - What to do 

When children are concerned it is always a concern, Panic, and an overwhelming experience. If you find that you have locked your child in the car please do not panic. you have a few options;-

  • Phone James, Emergency Car Locksmith in Cardiff 07967725135 / We will give an accurate eta and have a 99% success rate on opening vehicles. Or even if you are Locked out please call us.
  • Call 999 the Emergency Services. They will give information on what to do and what is going to happen.
  • Smash a window. We strongly disagree with this option unless it is absolutely necessary. If you do choose this option please pick a window furthest away from the child and make sure the child is looking in the opposite direction from the window you smashing. 


TIPS FOR DISTRACTION when you have locked your child in the CAR. 

In any situation, it is very important to parents that their child is happy and consented and it is not uncommon that in this situation that panic kicks in as it is a very stressful situation. While you are waiting for the  Auto / Car Emergency locksmith to arrive every minute can feel like an hour this is really common and the locksmith is doing their best to get to you in the shortest time possible. We recommend you do the following to keep the situation under control.

  • If your child is sleeping leave them be as more than likely they're not worried
  • Stay Calm - The Locksmith is on his Way 
  • Ask a passer-by to stay with you if a friend or someone you know isn't with you and your alone as they can help you stay calm 
  • If the window is in direct sunlight put a coat or clothing in the way as inside can get warm rather quickly. 
  • Put the child's favorite cartoon on your smartphone as this will keep them calm, turn the volume right up and rest it on the window until the locksmith arrives. 

If you do wish to use our emergency car locksmith service please call James Locksmith Cardiff on 07967725135. If we are available we will do our very best to get to you as quickly as possible. 

Here at your Cardiff Locksmith, we treat every case as an individual for whatever work your job may presuppose. We always give clients 100 percent of our time and always show outstanding work with extreme skill.

front door lock opening  Euro Lock Opening.

wood front door lock opening  Rim Cylinder Opening.

Key Retrieval Through Letter Box  Keys Posted Through Letter Box.

Key Retrieval From Lift Shaft  Dropped Keys Down Lift Shaft.

Keys Locked In Car  Car Lock Opening.

Locked Out  Open Locked Houses When accidentally closed the door behind.

Mortice Lock Opening Locksmiths  Mortice Lock Opening. 

Open broken padlock  Padlock Opening. 

Lost keys to bike lock  Bike Lock Opening.

front door lock opening  Getting Keys Back After Fallen In Lift Shaft


No matter how many locks we have opened or continue to open within the near future we will always come across a lock which we have never seen or dealt with before. Due to our experience and expertise within the locksmith field, we will not deny access or our services when this happens. As you are probably going to need and require our emergency 

Emergency Locksmith - Lock Broken

Lock Broken

Sometimes we get calls where you want to retract the key when locked or can not retract the key when the lock is in an open position. This usually means that the lock is broken on a Upvc door, NOT the mechanism a change of the lock will put the mechanism and locking device back into its original working order. 

As with the picture beside the cam the lock is 180 degrees out and either needs to be put back into place or the lock needs to be renewed. We find it is always best to replace locks when this happens, as a new lock comes with a year's guarantee and the risk of it happening again is shallow. 

If this has happened, it is always ideal for it to be sorted straight away and call an Emergency Locksmith, James Cardiff Locksmith is one whose area is Cardiff which, if you need, can help. Contact us on 07967725135.


Are Locksmiths Availble 24 Hours A Day?

James Cardiff Locksmith are Availble 24 Hours a day for Emergency Lock Outs.


How Long Does It Take For A Locksmith?

Normally It Takes Our Locksmiths 30 Minuites To Get To Most Destinations In Cardiff.